Wednesday 17 November 2010

Preliminary Task - Video

Preliminary Task - The Review

Overall, I am pretty happy with how the task progressed, I think for our first production it seems pretty good, and has been edited to a decent standard.

However, I believe the filming was good but could have been better,because of the camera shaking in the beginning. I think the actors acted very well along the lines of how they were supposed to but they could have spoken slightly louder. The acting was very good according to me, but if i was to redo this task then i would make sure that the actors were to speak up a bit so the dialogue could be heard clearly. As I've stated before the camera movement was a little dodgy and not still, so if i was to redo it i would use a tripod.

There are many good points that came out with our film, including the background music where i feel was fitted in well with the film and it also helped to express and show the feelings in the surroundings.

All in all,for a first production I think my Preliminary Task was at a good standard of acting editing and camera work, but there are a couple of improve ments i think i could have made if this task was to be done again.

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